Sponsor a Mutt
Welcome to our forever Mutts! These are our sweet animals that may never find forever homes but will have forever fosters. Our fosters work hard providing the best care for our forever Mutts but we could use some help caring for them by having people sponsor them! Your sponsorship will help provide medications, food, vet care, necessities, AND things to spoil them with (obviously). You can choose to sponsor a specific animal in the note section of PayPal donations or just put "for the forever Mutts" and we will make sure your donations go towards their care. We thank you so much for your ongoing support and helping us save special animals like these ones. We could NOT do it without you!

Misa is a super senior who loves her foster home. She is kept comfortable with an orthopedic bed and lots of spoils. Misa is riddled with arthritis and by sponsoring her you help pay for her Adoquin injections, and other pain management meds.

Malia is a young adult that was brought into Mutts as a puppy. She had alot of issues caused from malnutrition and although she has overcome so much already she does continue to need seizure medication. She is pretty well managed with a few breakthrough seizures at times. Donations for Malia help to pay for her seizure medication and pill pockets to be able to eat the large pills. Donations will also help cover expenses for flea and heartworm prevention. She’s a happy dog that thrives in her foster home with all the other dogs that come and go to play with. Thank you for helping us help dogs like Malia with donations towards our sanctuary dogs.

Gretchen was pulled from a shelter where she was at risk to being euthanized. When Gretchen arrived, we quickly realized she was pregnant. Gretchen had 5 healthy and happy babies but Gretchen had a hard time relaxing. Gretchen was kept outside all of her life so she isn't well socialized with people. She is finally comfortable in her foster home and has come out of her shell. Sometimes Gretchen forgets she loves her foster family and gets scared all over again until she relaxes and comes back around. Gretchen will be a forever Mutt because she will revert to being overly scared if she had to change environments and people. Gretchen is a sweet, loving dog and we are happy to have saved her but she will always be a Mutt. Sponsoring Gretchen will help us provide food, prevention and other necessities for her.

Meet Juliet- Juliet is a forever Mutt or will be considered for adoption to that right, special family. Juliet is very withdrawn and scared when meeting new people. With patience, love, and repetitive visits she opens up and shows her loving side. To sponsor Juliet would mean spoiling her with extra treats, comfy beds and soft blankets. She has never been one to turn down a treat!

Maggie came to us as a feral who had never been handled. She’s comfortable enough now that she can be fed and cared for but is still scared of human handling. She adores the other dogs and loves pack life. She was as Feral as Feral comes as a puppy living off the land. She is comfortable in her environment and will allow some gentle handling but loves to run with her pack of dog friends. She will not readily be adoptable because it takes her a long time to warm up to people. But she is very happy and healthy and with Donations she can live her best life on land she can run on safely and with people who care for her and dogs to play with her.

Sully requires a very special home which makes him hard to adopt out. IF that home ever becomes available we will happily adopt out sweet Sully. Sully came from a terrible hoarding situation. He was scared to death when rescued and not socialized with people. He does very well in his foster home and with all of his fosters dogs. He is crate trained and will use his crate when he needs some peace and quiet. Sully is an older boy that will continue to need more and more vet care. Sponsoring Sully will help us keep this boy happy and healthy for the rest of his days.